i can be your hero, baby

The task was kind of difficoult to do because Jakub (the one i worked with) and I couldn't find a heroic thing to do.
After a long time of thinking and discussing, Jakub come up with the idéa to deposit a deposit-can. You've got to call that a herioc thing to do!
When we had decided how we wanted it to be and after we had found an old deposit can in our classroom, we started to walk down to the little society Sunne to take om pictures on the deposit-station.

Denice and Samuel followed us on the way down and they took some pictures on some ducks down the river. They hero-thing was to feed some hungry ducks.

When we had deposit the little can we got a little ticket that said something like "thank you for supporting the red cross."
Oh so cute. If we didn't feel heroic before i'll sure you that we felt it know.

I think that this task was pretty fun compered to other tasks the teachers have been given us. It was fun to take some pictures and do like a picture-story with them.

Postat av: ida


2009-03-16 @ 13:57:11
URL: http://idaolsssson.blogg.se/
Postat av: evelina

little sunne goes big sunne when we are walking in it! BIG CITY LIIIFE

2009-03-16 @ 14:02:30
URL: http://immonenevelina.blogg.se/
Postat av: Beaaaaa

i hope the red cross said they didn't want the money because they where from you

2009-03-16 @ 14:03:06
URL: http://beatricefjallstrom.blogg.se/
Postat av: bäääkkkaa


2009-03-16 @ 14:05:56
Postat av: denice

so nice of you! ;)

2009-03-16 @ 14:10:08
URL: http://dasindenice.blogg.se/

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