todays planning

Guess what? Now I've finally decide what subject I'm going to work with for the next two weeks.

I discussed with the teachers and they thought that it was an OK idea and I should absolutely go for it.

Theidea of how I'm going to do the pictures is done så it's only the society-questionsand the English that I've got to work with today and the wholeweek.

Tuesday: talk to Christina and work with thesociety-questions
Wednesday: talk to Stina and work with the society-questions
Thursday: work with the society-questions
Friday: work with the society-questionsand try to take some pictures on the evening.


suicide: courage or fear?

Lately,I've been thinking a lot about what subject i should pic for myproject. It's kind of hard and very difficult thing to do because youhave to combine the subject and work with it in society-questions andthe aesthetic vision.


I'vecome up with a good idea that actually would be nice to have on theexhibition, but than youfind out that it don't work with the society- questions.


IfI end up, picking this subject, my plan is to take three pictures ofmy boyfriend. One on the front of him, with his face down. Kind ofsad looking. The other picture is going to be on his feet, standingon a edge of an house roof.
I'm mot sure of what the third pictureis going to look like but I think that the sun shall be in thebackground and maybe he could stand in front of it with the backturned to the camera.


FirstI thought that the whole suicide-idea was kind of depressing and thepeople that shall see the picture would get the image wrong and thinkthat I glorify to kill yourself. That's not my point. My point is tomake people understand that different people have different visionabout if suicide is courage or fear.

 Somethink that kill yourself is brave and the one who does is a hero, andsome other think that it is to escape or hide from life.

 Anotherthing I would like to do, to fortify my pictures, is to write a poemor something. My idea is to write down of a discussion about thesubject “suicide: courage or fear?”

i can be your hero, baby

The task was kind of difficoult to do because Jakub (the one i worked with) and I couldn't find a heroic thing to do.
After a long time of thinking and discussing, Jakub come up with the idéa to deposit a deposit-can. You've got to call that a herioc thing to do!
When we had decided how we wanted it to be and after we had found an old deposit can in our classroom, we started to walk down to the little society Sunne to take om pictures on the deposit-station.

Denice and Samuel followed us on the way down and they took some pictures on some ducks down the river. They hero-thing was to feed some hungry ducks.

When we had deposit the little can we got a little ticket that said something like "thank you for supporting the red cross."
Oh so cute. If we didn't feel heroic before i'll sure you that we felt it know.

I think that this task was pretty fun compered to other tasks the teachers have been given us. It was fun to take some pictures and do like a picture-story with them.

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